Why Are Hulu Commercials so Loud?

Do you ever wonder why Hulu commercials are so much louder than the shows and movies you’re watching? It’s a common problem and one that many people have noticed. In this blog post, we’ll explore why Hulu commercials are so loud, as well as what you can do to reduce the volume.

The Theory Behind Loud Hulu Ads

The theory behind loud Hulu ads is that advertisers understand that if their messages are played at a higher volume, they will be noticed more easily. This is why the sound of commercials is processed electronically so that they are broadcast louder than normal TV programming. This can be incredibly distracting and annoying, but many advertisers believe the payoff is worth it. Additionally, viewers may find themselves turning up the volume of their TVs to hear the main programming, only to be surprised by a loud commercial.

Complaining to the FCC

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is responsible for protecting consumers from issues such as excessively loud commercials, and they welcome viewers to file a complaint if they experience this issue. Over-the-top streaming services like Hulu do not fall under FCC regulation, so viewers should be aware that they may not be able to resolve their issue with this organization. However, the FCC does encourage viewers to contact Hulu directly with their complaints and provide specific information about the commercials that seem louder than the programming they accompany.

Loud Content to Grab Attention

Loud content is one of the marketing strategies used by ad companies to grab viewers’ attention. After all, it’s much harder to ignore a loud commercial than a quiet one. Hulu ads are designed to be loud because they will catch your attention better than a quiet one would. This is why many TV viewers can find these commercials extremely annoying, as the sound is processed differently than the show you’re watching.

Reducing the Volume of Ads on Hulu

Reducing the Volume of Ads on Hulu can be done by turning down the volume on your device or adjusting the volume on both the app and the ads. If that doesn’t help, you could try using the auto volume control feature of your TV. This feature reduces loudness variations between shows and commercials, which can help make sure that commercials are not too loud. Additionally, you could look into turning on the night mode feature available on some TV models, which reduces the volume of commercials even more.

The Volume Rule Established by the FCC

The Volume Rule Established by the FCC is designed to prevent TV stations from boosting the average volume of commercials to levels beyond the programs they accompany. This regulation ensures that advertisements don’t become too loud, allowing viewers to enjoy their favorite shows and Hulu commercials without interruption. It’s important to remember, however, that some commercials may still seem “too loud” to some viewers, but are still in compliance because average volume is the rule.

Marketing vs. Hulu Ads

The truth of the matter is that Hulu’s business model requires advertisers to bid for advertisements on their site, and from what I understand they actually don’t have much control over the volume of those ads. This is a marketing thing, not a Hulu thing. Advertisers know that people usually get up during commercials, so they crank the volume to ensure that their messages are noticed one way or another.

Why Are TV Ads Played Louder?

It’s no secret that TV ads are usually louder than the content being broadcast. This is done as a marketing technique, as it can help to grab viewers’ attention and make them more likely to pay attention to the ad. As a result, many people have noticed that Hulu ads are particularly loud compared to other streaming services. This is because Hulu is trying to capitalize on the same marketing technique used by TV networks, in order to make their ads more effective.

Tips for Dealing with Loud Hulu Ads

One way to deal with loud Hulu ads is to subscribe to Hulu without ads. This will remove the issue altogether, but it will cost more than the regular subscription plan. Another option is to file a complaint with the FCC, who relies on viewers to keep advertisers in check and alert them when commercials don’t adhere to their rules. Additionally, reducing the volume of the commercials can be done by going to the “Consumers” section and selecting “Guides”. The dialog is compressed on most commercials which can reduce the audio spikes up to roughly 10dB. Lastly, viewers can take advantage of Hulu’s night mode feature which will reduce the overall volume of the commercials.

Night Mode Feature for Reducing Volume

The Night Mode feature on some smart TVs can help reduce the volume of Hulu ads by as much as 12 decibels. This feature works by electronically processing the sound so that it plays at a lower volume than the regular programming. It’s sometimes called Night Mode, Night Sound, or a variation of the two, and can be a great way to keep loud commercials from disrupting your evening entertainment. If you have this feature available, it may be worth giving it a try in order to find an acceptable level of volume for your viewing pleasure.

FCC’s Responsibility for Keeping Advertisers in Check

The FCC is responsible for enforcing the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation (CALM) Act, which requires broadcasters and MVPDs to monitor and control the volume of commercials to make sure they are not louder than the surrounding programming. The reasoning for loud ads is simple: advertisers realize that if they crank up the volume of their messages, they will get noticed one way or another. The FCC is taking a fresh look at its rules and regulations relating to the CALM Act, in order to make sure that TV ads are not too loud and bothersome for viewers. As the enforcement agency responsible for keeping advertisers in check, it’s up to the FCC to ensure ads are not excessively loud and intrusive.

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