How to Restick LED Light Strips [Simple!]

Are you looking to upgrade your lighting game? LED light strips are a great option to get creative with your interior design and add a touch of modern flair. But if you’ve ever tried to move them around, you know that they can be tricky to restick. Don’t worry – we’ve got tips and tricks so that you can easily restick your LED light strips without any hassle!

Step 1: Disconnect the Light Strip and Heat the Adhesive

Before beginning the process of resticking LED light strips, it is important to start by unplugging the device and using a hairdryer to heat up the adhesive. This will help to make removal and resticking easier and more effective. Once the adhesive has been heated, use a flat or dull object to wiggle underneath the light strip in order to loosen it from its current location. Clean the area of any residue from the adhesive before beginning to restick the LED light strip in its new location.

Step 2: Clean the Surface Area

Before attempting to restick the LED light strips, it’s important to ensure that the surface area is thoroughly clean. This will involve wiping down the surface with a damp cloth to remove any dust or dirt that may be present. It’s also important to make sure that any rough surfaces, such as bricks or concrete steps, are free of dirt and debris. If not, the adhesive won’t adhere properly. Once the surface is clean and dry, locate an end and a corner of the LED strip and gently insert a flat or dull object underneath it to help lift it up.

Step 3: Insert and Wiggle a Flat or Dull Object Under the LED Strip

Once the adhesive has been heated and the LED strip removed, the next step is to insert and wiggle a flat or dull object under the LED strip. This can be done with a butter knife, credit card or other similar object. Make sure the liquid does not come into contact with your LEDs as this will cause water damage and compromise the performance of your strips. Once the object is inserted, use gentle pressure to wiggle it around to ensure that all of the adhesive has been removed from the back of the LED strip. After this has been done, you can proceed to step four of how to restick LED light strips.

Step 4: Clean LED Strips Back

After cleaning the surface area, it’s time to clean the back of the LED strip. This is important to ensure that the adhesive sticks properly and that no dirt or dust particles are present. Make use of a damp cloth or a soft-bristled brush to remove any dirt or dust from the back of the LED strip. Once you have cleaned it, make sure to dry it off with a clean cloth to avoid any moisture from affecting the adhesive material.

Step 5: Select Appropriate Adhesive Material

Once the surface is ready, installation is simple! After wiping the under counter clean, peel back the protective cover over the adhesive material, and select an appropriate adhesive for your LED light strips. The best way to ensure a secure bond is to use an adhesive that is designed for LED lighting. This way, you can be sure that your lights will stay firmly in place. You will get 50 clips, self-adhesive clips for LED strips and flat cable management with the LED strip light kit. It is recommended to use two clips per foot as a best practice, note: do not overlap clips and adhesives on the same strip. For applications under concrete or very rough material, an adhesive may be used.

Step 6: Connect Wires to Terminals and Power Up

Once the LED strip has been cut to the desired length, it’s time to connect the wires to the terminals. Make sure to match the positive and negative wires, then plug in the power source and turn on the lights.

Step 7: Cut LED Strip to Desired Length

After cleaning the surface area, it’s time to cut the LED strip to the desired length. Depending on the type of LED strip you have, there are either straight or dotted black lines at regular intervals that indicate where you can cut. Make sure to follow the cut line exactly and be very careful when cutting with a sharp blade. Once you’re done, you’ll be able to move on to the next step.

Step 8: Place LED Strips in Desired Position

Once your coving is in place, a good tip for positioning your LED tape is to fix it as far from the back wall as you can, so as to avoid seeing any hot spots. Trying to weigh the different options of where to place the LED strip light for the most illumination and to avoid hot spots can be difficult. However, if you are looking for a motorcycle led strip lights for your needs, we try to provide our esteemed customers with a reasonable option. Place the LED strip lights onto the exposed tape and gently press them down for better bonding. Be sure to check the specific car LED light strip installation guide featured image before you begin installation. Stick the lights onto a suitable surface and test the final installation.

Step 9: Secure LED Strips with Adhesive

Once the LED strips have been cut to the desired length and placed in their desired position, it is time to secure them with adhesive. Depending on the surface area, various types of adhesives can be used. For surfaces such as wood, plastic and metal, a strong adhesive tape or glue can be used. For applications under concrete or very rough material, an adhesive may be used. After wiping the under counter clean, peel back the protective cover over the adhesive backing and apply the LED strips directly to the surface. Make sure that the LED strips are firmly secured before powering them up.

Step 10: Test the Final Installation

Once the LED strips are properly secured, it’s time to test the final installation. Make sure to plug in the power cord, turn on the lights and check whether they light up. Be sure to inspect all connections and ensure that the LED strip is working correctly. If everything looks good, you can enjoy your new LED lighting setup!

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