The Ultimate Alexa Jokes List: Funny Things to Ask Alexa

Are you looking for a new source of fun? Do you need a few laughs to brighten your day? If so, then this blog post is exactly what you need. Get ready to laugh out loud with our list of the best Alexa jokes!

1. Are You Happy?

If you’re looking for an Alexa joke to make you and your friends laugh, why not try asking Alexa if it’s happy? You’ll be surprised at its response. Or, if you want to take it one step further, ask Alexa if it’s spying on you. It’s sure to give you an unexpected answer. If you’re feeling adventurous, you could even ask Alexa if it sees dead people. Alexa might not have all the answers, but its answers may be funnier than you think! So don’t be afraid to ask Alexa some funny questions and see what kind of response you get.

2. Are You Spying on Me?

Have you ever asked Alexa if she’s spying on you? You’re not the only one. In fact, it’s a common question people ask their virtual voice assistant. But don’t worry, Alexa won’t tell anyone your secrets. In fact, instead of responding with words, the device typically just lights up like a blinking lightbulb! So you know she’s listening but not repeating anything you say. That’s not to say Alexa can’t hear what you’re saying though; many smart-speaker owners don’t realize it, but Amazon keeps a copy of everything Alexa records after it hears its name. So while your conversations are still private, it pays to be careful when discussing sensitive topics around Alexa!

3. Do You See Dead People?

With Alexa’s seemingly endless source of knowledge, it’s no surprise that you can ask her all sorts of questions, including some that are a bit peculiar. For example, you can ask her if she sees dead people and she’ll come up with a witty response. You can also ask her about the best way to get rid of a dead body or if she knows any yo mama jokes. She’s sure to have an answer for everything! So why not try out one of these Alexa jokes and see what she has to say?

4. All Your Base Are Belong To Us?

If you’re looking for a good laugh, you don’t even have to leave the comforts of your own home. Simply ask your Alexa for some jokes and you’ll be sure to get some chuckles. One of the most popular Alexa jokes is the classic “all your base are belong to us” line, which is a reference to a poorly translated phrase from an old video game cutscene. When you ask Alexa this question, she will respond with “Take off every ZIG, for great justice!” This is sure to make you and your friends laugh out loud!

5. What Should I Be For Halloween?

With Halloween just around the corner, it’s time to start planning your costume. If you’re stuck for ideas, why not ask Alexa? She can help you come up with great costume ideas, from classic characters to iconic films and TV shows. Alexa can also tell you Halloween jokes and limericks for a bit of spooky fun. So why not give her a try and see what she suggests for your next Halloween costume?

6. Open Air Horn

Ready to make some noise? The Open Air Horn skill on Alexa can blast out a loud sound of your choosing. Whether you want to pull an innocent prank on your friends or make a statement, this skill is sure to give you a good laugh. With just a few words, you can have Alexa playing any sound from a car horn to the sound of an elephant. It’s easy to use and the sound quality is top-notch. So, if you’re looking for something fun and entertaining to do, try out the Open Air Horn skill on Alexa!

7. Yo Mama Jokes

Are you ready to laugh out loud? Alexa has a great collection of yo mama jokes for you to try out. Whether you’re looking for a quick joke to make your friends giggle or a great way to break the ice, Alexa’s yo mama jokes are sure to do the trick. Just say “Alexa, give me a yo mama joke” and she’ll come up with something hilarious. From classics like “Yo mama’s so stupid, she stared at a cup of orange juice for 12 hours because it said ‘concentrate’” to more off-beat ones like “Yo mama’s so poor, she chases the garbage truck with a grocery list”, Alexa has got all the jokes you need. So, if you’re in the mood for some laughter, Alexa is ready to provide!

8. Thanksgiving Jokes

It’s Thanksgiving Day, and if you’re looking for a way to bring some extra laughter to the dinner table, Alexa’s got you covered! With her vast library of jokes, Alexa can provide the perfect punchline for any situation. From classic Yo Mama jokes to hilarious Thanksgiving puns, Alexa’s got a joke for any occasion. Whether you want to make your family laugh or just want to lighten the mood at dinner, Alexa will have something for you. So skip the turkey and stuff your face with some funny jokes this Thanksgiving!

9. Bodily Noises Jokes

If you’re looking for a good laugh, then check out Alexa’s Bodily Noises Jokes! Whether it’s farts, burps, snoring, or sneezing, Alexa has a joke for every funny sound. Plus, you can get her to tell the classic Yo Mama jokes and Thanksgiving jokes that have been around for years. So if you’re looking to have some fun with Alexa, make sure to ask her some of these jokes. You won’t be disappointed!

10. Gargoyle Jokes

Are you ready for a good chuckle? If so, then it’s time to check out some of the best gargoyle jokes on the web. From riddles to puns, these jokes are sure to make you laugh. Whether you’re looking for something to bring some joy to a Halloween party or just want to impress your friends with your knowledge of gargoyle humor, this list has something for everyone. So don’t wait – check out these hilarious gargoyle jokes today!

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