Alexa Ecobee commands

ActionWhat to sayExample
Set temperatureSet the thermostat to [temperature]Set the thermostat to 74
Increase/decrease temperatureIncrease/decrease the thermostat by [amount] degreesIncrease the thermostat by 2 degrees
Set modeSet the thermostat to [mode] (e.g., heat, cool, auto, off)Set the thermostat to heat
Set fanSet the thermostat fan to [on/auto]Set the thermostat fan to on
Set holdSet the thermostat hold to [permanent/temporary]Set the thermostat hold to permanent
Check statusWhat is the current temperature?What is the current temperature?
Check scheduleWhat is the thermostat schedule for today?What is the thermostat schedule for today?
Adjust scheduleSet the thermostat schedule for [day] at [time] to [temperature]Set the thermostat schedule for Monday at 7am to 72
Check alertsAre there any alerts on the thermostat?Are there any alerts on the thermostat?
Check energy historyWhat was the thermostat energy usage for [date/time period]?What was the thermostat energy usage for last month?
Check equipment statusIs the thermostat equipment currently running?Is the thermostat equipment currently running?

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